The time has finally come. As of today 1PM CEST Songbird Editor is officially available to the public for free. You can download your copy from the website. I'd like to thank everyone for the support in getting the project to this point and hope for your continued interest in the project.
Anyway to not waste more of your time here are the 0.5.1 patch notes:
Bug fixes:
Fixed an issue where having a choice hidden due to a condition caused the page loader to crash.
Fixed an issue where the page editor window stretched beyond the available window space for users with upscaled windows UI.
New user help tools:
The first two parts of the Core Guide are now added to the download package as a PDF file for offline access. This file will be updated with each new release.
Created a tutorial game meant to help new users get familiar with basic functionality. This tutorial will be edited and expanded based on feedback.
Existing feature expansion:
Added a question, exclamation mark and a space as operators for variable display.
Added an author label in the core UI just below the game title. You can write a name for it to display at the top of the Page Editor window.
A rework and expansion of the Variable Manager window:
- Implemented the option to add labels into the variable manager window for additional organization.
- You can now move variables up and down in the variable manager to help with organization.
- Implemented a debug mode for the variable manager window. By enabling it you can see a simplified view of all your variables. The displayed values will correspond to current values during your game and can be altered in real time during gameplay to help with testing your game.
I hope for Songbird Editor to find it's home in many author's toolset and if you do find it helpful enough that you would want to support its development as a new way of creating IF content you can always send me a few cents through Patreon or Ko-fi. Even doing as little as sharing the project to people who you think would find it useful goes a long way.